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West Hampstead, North London: 020 8969 0247 Maidenhead, Berkshire: 01628 624544

Case History and Assessment

We start your first consultation by taking a case history. We’ll listen to you explain your symptoms, any possible causes, and what makes your symptoms fluctuate. We’ll also take a brief medical history and look at aspects of your lifestyle – especially if you have a long history of a particular problem.

We’ll then carry out a ‘standing examination’ and assess your posture, structure and function. We might ask you to bend in different directions as far as you are able, whether certain movements cause you any pain, or ask you to perform a dynamic squat test. All of this will help us understand the root causes of your problem and how we can treat you most effectively.

During the assessment you will be asked to remove some items of outer clothing so we can correctly assess your body mechanics.

Please wear underwear you are comfortable with, or a pair of shorts / crop top sports bra as appropriate.

We encourage you to bring a Chaperone along with you,  to your whole appointment, if you would feel more comfortable.

It might be useful too, to help you remember what was discussed,  after your appointment is over.

Diagnosis and Initial Treatment

Following the initial assessment, we will be able to make a diagnosis and a treatment plan. We will explain what the problem is and how we propose to treat it, which may include joint manipulation, deep tissue massage, dry needling, stretching and joint mobilisation, depending on what is appropriate for your particular condition.

Having explained your diagnosis and the treatments relevant to you, we will carry out an initial treatment session at your first consultation. If you’ve never had osteopathy before, we will explain the treatments in detail, ensuring you’re comfortable with them and understand what we’re doing and why.

Treatment Plan and Follow-Up Appointments

It’s typical to need one or more follow-up appointments, and a final check-up. Following your diagnosis we will explain your treatment plan, how many sessions you are likely to need, and what improvements to your symptoms we expect to see over what time period.

You should notice an improvement in your condition following each visit, with your symptoms reducing and your mobility increasing. We will ask you to ‘score’ factors like pain level and mobility to help us measure your progress, and ask whether you have noticed improvements in lifestyle factors like work comfort, sleep, sports performance, etc.

We also provide individualised stretches or other exercises to perform in between the treatment sessions, which we will regularly review and modify.

Possible After-Effects of Treatment

Osteopathy treats conditions in part by increasing joint mobility and flexibility, and releasing muscle tightness. Areas of the body which have received treatment might feel sore or tender for 24 hours or so after treatment, or you might develop light bruising around the treatment area. It’s often a good idea to avoid heavy lifting or intense exercise soon after a treatment session, but other than that any soreness shouldn’t stop you from carrying out your normal daily activities.

All of this is perfectly normal and your osteopath will explain what you should expect and why. If you have any specific concerns, don’t hesitate to raise them at your initial appointment.

Aftercare and Future Management

When your treatment is completed and you have had your final appointment, we will ask you to fill out a confidential aftercare questionnaire to help us understand how we can continue improving our service and care.

Once you’re feeling good we want you to stay that way! With your agreement, we’ll send you an invitation to a check-up appointment from time to time, to prevent your problem recurring and to ensure you stay healthy.

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Working full time or  looking after a family and home, can put a strain on your body that build up over time. We can help prevent and treat any problems and keep you in top condition, whether your work involves lifting and moving, driving, sitting at a desk or working from home. Keeping you healthy and pain free means you can work better and also enjoy time off outside of work more!



Quality rest is sometimes overlooked. If need advice buying a new mattress or your favourite chair is the cause of your stiff neck or back pain – it is all part of our programme to help you.  We can help your aches and pains and help you rest or sleep more comfortably too! Stress and strain, Pregnancy and other times of life make getting help early a good plan!



People seek our help from 7 to 95 years of age, and a range of levels of fitness from gentle exercise, just starting to exercise or regular gym or sports enthusiasts.  We help prevent and treat conditions arising and spot issues that are holding you back helping, you to continue getting the most out of life.

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