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Thank you so much for all your advice and the work you did on my knee and back before the Rome half marathon on Sunday. I completed the race without stopping to walk in 1:54:57, a time I would have been aiming for if I had not been injured, and had the month before the race to train! I really think you helped me achieve this and I am thrilled. Thank you so much.

I was training for the Windsor Half Marathon, and picked up an injury in my foot, which left me hobbling around work, and not able to train. It was in fact extremely painful. I visited Karen, and after one session, walked out of the surgery, started training again and completed the Half Marathon.

I was training for the Windsor Half Marathon, and picked up an injury in my foot, which left me hobbling around work, and not able to train. It was in fact extremely painful. I visited Karen, and after one session, walked out of the surgery, started training again and completed the Half Marathon. All the best.

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