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I had suffered from a painful hip for many years after a motor accident. My GP referred me to a physiotherapist and although I dutifully followed the prescribed exercise routine, the pain just intensified to the point where standing still for more than a minute or so was unbearable.

I had little or no hope that an osteopath could help me, but thought anything would be worth a try, I even considered going to a faith healer!

My prejudices were totally unfounded. Robin Lansman quickly put me at my ease and told me that he didn’t operate on a local level like physiotherapy typically does, but rather took a holistic view of pain and injury. This would certainly explain why instead of looking at my hip, he looked at my range of movement then set about treating an entirely different area. I was sceptical that it would make any difference, but when I tried moving again, instead of awkwardness and pain, I felt like my body was actually working with me for the first time in years.

After only a few sessions with Robin, I can move around much more easily and am finally optimistic about the future. I won’t be making that trip to Lourdes for a good few years yet, and would encourage anyone who feels like they have tried everything to give Body Back-Up a go.

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