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West Hampstead, North London: 020 8969 0247 Maidenhead, Berkshire: 01628 624544
Julia Tarr
Julia Tarr
13:15 17 Feb 21
I have been visiting Robin on and off for 15 years, with various issues (back, neck and shoulder). Always very professional and always gets to the root of the problem! Cannot recommend highly enough!
14:52 22 Oct 20
Very knowledgeable, but as suggsted by another reviewer they don't like to see if you are not self-paying so I have now had to go else where. So if you are using an insurer, I would suggest look else where to save yourself and the organisation any unnecessary hassle!
Tatiana Bugrova
Tatiana Bugrova
12:23 01 Sep 20
Good professional, not great soft and admin skills.Always felt disadvantaged because I used medical insurance to cover the costs. The last time I booked and told that I was going to use the insurance which was ok. When I arrived for my 30 Mon long appointment I had to listen that they should not have seen me because I use the insurance and they made a mistake and I have to pay for 10 min of my session, so I only had 20 min. Made me pay as well. They complained before that they do not like to work with some insurers. It is unprofessional.
Nitesh Patel
Nitesh Patel
22:06 06 Jun 19
Had a long journey so far, with an injury from 2004. Spinal damage - slipped vertebrae (spondy) and torn hip ligament. Had an operation (after 3 years of chiropractic, physio and personal trainer), screws and spacer for my spine. My recovery has been progressing slowly since 2007, but grew frustrated more recently that I still cannot sit, stand or walk comfortably, let alone run.After 3 sessions with Rob, and maintaining a regular daily schedule of the simple but effective exercises he gave me, my hip pain has greatly reduced, and I am now able to sit, stand, walk and even run comfortably. I cannot believe the difference these three sessions have made to my mobility and comfort levels.I have known for some time that i needed to retrain muscles to support correct joint movement, but hadn't found anyone who could help me to achieve this efficiently. Until now. So Happy.
14:05 20 May 19
I have struggled for years with on and off back problems. I have regularly visited the doctors, who through anti inflammatory and painkillers have only ever provided temporary relief. I have also visited sports massage therapists that have caused an excruciating amount of short term pain with seemingly no long term relief or change.The osteopaths at BodyBack-up, through physical manipulation and corrective posture techniques have managed to not only relieve all pain and discomfort, but also have provided a path for me to follow so that the recurrence of the issue should not happen again.I cannot overstate how much better I feel. Not only is the pain and discomfort gone, but I feel I have so much more energy; I guess most of that energy in the past has gone into just getting through the day fighting inherent pain. It's been a life changer, and I recommend BodyBack-up to anyone that suffers with any form of pain linked to back and posture.
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When I arrived for my first appointment since the clinic reopened, Robin greeted me wearing full PPE, and offered hand sanitiser to me. I could tell that the treatment room was clean and all precautionary measures had been taken to ensure his patients felt completely comfortable. Robin takes an holistic approach to treatment, not just treating the symptoms, but also locating the cause and advising how to manage and prevent further injury. Upon departure I was offered hand sanitiser again, and was walked to the door. I highly recommend Body BackUp Maida Vale – for being COVID friendly and for their approach to treatment.

For a number of years I suffered discomfort in my upper shoulder area and down my left arm. I had tried a number of different treatments ranging from Chiropractors to Back Pain Relief Clinics – all in vain, the pain continued. Eventually, Robin Lansman was recommended to me and I came to Body Back-Up for treatment. If only I had done this two years earlier! Thank you Body Back-Up.

I have visited Robin Lansman and his team for several years after suffering since my late teens with lower back problems. Robin quickly pointed out other areas that could bring on the problems and in actual fact, all the other treatments I had gone through in the past were treating the symptoms rather than the root cause. With a bit of work, and following the exercises, I have reduced my pain to minimal levels, know when things are getting out of balance again and, importantly, know how I can help myself to stop the pain from spiralling out of control.

I cannot recommend Body Back-Up highly enough and have sent several members of my family to Robin so that they can also benefit from his expertise and knowledge.

I started coming to see Robin Lansman two and a half years ago. I have come to see him for numerous injuries, one was a shoulder and back injury, one was to do with my neck on the left hand side. Every year he has helped me lots, shown me how to do stretching exercises and where to put the heat pack on my back or on my neck, as needed. I have numerous friends who have had back injuries and have been happy to suggest Robin Lansman, and his service is really good.

Robin Lansman was recommended to me by a skiing friend of mine who was watching me struggling with a Locked Back in Klosters. I had been to a sports doctor who, fancy on paper, prodded me, but didn’t actually tell me what to do.

Anyway, I pitched up at Maida Vale and 6 sessions later I am a lot better and my next skiing session was in a different league. Highly recommended!

I emailed Robin Lansman digital photographs of my desk at work and he has tweaked how I sit. Also my bike, which was rejected out of hand as being totally unsuitable such a good idea. As a result my back is miles better.

Body Backup really are very helpful and are highly recommended they will sort you out.

I came to Body Back-Up many years ago as a result of sporting injuries and also injuries suffered in a road traffic accident.

At the time I was seeing Robin Lansman who I found to be absolutely superb, very quick, very friendly, very helpful.

His diagnosis was instant and spot-on and the treatment he administered at that time way, way, surpassed three months of Physiotherapy that I had previously for the same ailment , with no positive effect.

Robin has treated me many times since for a variety of sports injuries and other ailments and each and every time the results have been the same. Very quick results and amazingly helpful, not only that, but he has also helped me with the preventative side in so much as each time I am treated, he doesn’t just treat the problem, he looks at the cause and advises me on how to prevent a recurrence.

I have also been treated by other people at Body Back-Up with the same results, so I had no qualms in recommending the practice, specifically Robin, to many people, all of whom speak most highly of him.

Thank you so much for all your advice and the work you did on my knee and back before the Rome half marathon on Sunday. I completed the race without stopping to walk in 1:54:57, a time I would have been aiming for if I had not been injured, and had the month before the race to train! I really think you helped me achieve this and I am thrilled. Thank you so much.

Had a long journey so far, with an injury from 2004. Spinal damage – slipped vertebrae (spondy) and torn hip ligament. Had an operation (after 3 years of chiropractic, physio and personal trainer), screws and spacer for my spine. My recovery has been progressing slowly since 2007, but grew frustrated more recently that I still cannot sit, stand or walk comfortably, let alone run.

After 3 sessions with Robin, and maintaining a regular daily schedule of the simple but effective exercises he gave me, my hip pain has greatly reduced, and I am now able to sit, stand, walk and even run comfortably.

I cannot believe the difference these three sessions have made to my mobility and comfort levels. I have known for some time that I needed to retrain muscles to support correct joint movement, but hadn’t found anyone who could help me to achieve this efficiently. Until now. So Happy.

This year I determined to run a half-marathon. I trained conscientiously, but as my distances increased so did a pain, which started out as a niggle in my ankle, until it affected my whole leg. A week before the Big Day I had to stop running altogether and so I missed my target and was bitterly disappointed.

After an enforced rest period of a few weeks I started anew with my sights on another local half-marathon, but this time, fearing a repeat of what happened before. I went to see Robin.

He soon found the cause of my problem. It wasn’t my leg, it was my back! In that first session he treated my back and taught me exercises to do at home. I even found I could touch my toes – the first time for many months. I left my appointment feeling optimistic and very pleased. The next day I started my training regime, and to my delight found that not only could I run without a twinge in my leg, but that I could go faster and further!

One more session with Robin consolidated my previous treatment and not long after that the half-marathon day arrived. I’m pleased to report that not only did I get round with no pain, but I finished having done a personal best. Thank you Robin!

I am 63 and have been coming to consult with Robin Lansman for some years. It is the best thing I have ever done!

Prevention is definitely worth it, rather than having a problem and then trying to get it fixed.

It is less painful, costs less and is the best thing I have ever done.

I first saw Osteopath Robin Lansman for the assessment and treatment of my Vertigo. I was also suffering from discomfort in my heel and was going to seek help for this but neglected to do so. When the Vertigo started I decided to go to seek help.

Previously my sister had been to Robin Lansman for another health issue and benefited. Once assessed and a full case history had been taken he treated the neck and upper spine, which I benefited from with increased mobility of my neck, reduced tension and dizziness.  I think the greatest benefit began with the approach he took to heel pain.   Robin assessed my foot function and gait and prescribed a very specific type of lunge exercise as ‘a-way’ to addressing the issues he diagnosed.

As I applied the exercise during several days I felt is effect not only in the feet and legs but also more broadly in the shoulders, neck and even the scalp and ears.  What was interesting to me was that there appeared to be a strong connection between the positioning of my feet and how my neck felt.  There appeared to be in my view a strong connection between my apparent Vertigo symptoms and my feet, legs and overall posture.

It seems more effective to treat the body as a whole and I hope that the body will be healthier when this process of self-help and treatment is completed over several weeks.

Osteopat Robin Lansman’ı ilk olarak Vertigo rahatsızlığımın değerlendirilmesi ve tedavisi için gördüm. Daha önce topuğumda bir rahatsızlık hissediyordum, onun için gidecektim. Fakat ihmal ettim gitmedim. Vertigo başladığında yardım aramaya karar verdim.

Daha önce kız kardeşim başka bir sağlık sorunu için Robin Lansman’a gitmiş ve faydalanmıştı. Vaka öyküsünü dinledikten ve değerlendirdikten sonra boyun ve üst omurgayı tedavi etti. Tedavi sonucunda boynumun mobilitesinin artığını, gerginliğin ve baş dönmesinin azaldığını hissettim. Fakat, bence en büyük yarar topuk ağrısının tedavisiyle başladı. Robin yürüyüş ve duruşumu değerlendirdikten ve tanı koyduktan sonra tedavi için özel bir tipte “lunge” (hamle) egzersizi önerdi.

Egzersizi bir hafta kadar uyguladıktan sonra yalnızca ayak ve bacaklarda değil, omuzlarda, boyunda ve hatta baş ve kulaklarda bile bir etki yarattığını hissettim. Bence ilginç olan, ayaklarımın pozisyonu ile boynumu nasıl hissettiğim arasında güçlü bir bağlantı olduğunun ortaya çıkmasıydı. Görünür Vertigo semptomlarım ile ayaklarım, bacaklarım ve genel duruşum arasında güçlü bir bağlantı olduğunu hissettim.

Vücudu bir bütün olarak tedavi etmenin daha etkili olduğunu düşünüyorum. Bu tedavi ve evde yapılan egzersiz süreci birkaç hafta içinde tamamlandığında vücudumun daha sağlıklı olacağını umuyorum.

Robin Lansman’s treatments helped me survive a very uncomfortable triplet pregnancy, during which I became so large that I could barely walk. Yet Robin kept me on my feet and his weekly sessions eased out many of the aches and pains associated with carrying three babies. I saw Robin right up to the birth, with my last treatment only four days before my babies were born. Each time I saw him I walked out of his surgery feeling much lighter, more comfortable and more able to cope. Robin was a massive help and it was a great relief that I had his treatments to support me through the most physically challenging time of my life.

I would definitely recommend Robin Lansman to anyone having a baby.

Have been seeing Mr Lansman for treatment during the final trimester of my pregnancy – excellent care, great service in booking appointments, highly recommend.

I had big back and neck problems, and I came home very shattered after every day working in front of my computer. I thought I just had to cope with that, because of the nature of getting older and office work!\n\nThen I learned about Check my posture, so I asked Robin Lansman my Osteopath, to make my posture assessment. I realised there are so many things I do wrong so “I ended up with six clear action points and all of them were quite straight forward to fix, once pointed out. Nothing which would need a big investment or a big change in my office!

It has been 3 weeks since the assessment was done. I really can see the improvement. I have much less back pain, much less neck pain and I still sometimes have the tendency to go back to the bad habits! It’s now different and I am trying to exactly what the Osteopath said.

I would say there is an 80% improvement so far!

Robin works wonders.

I have multiple sclerosis and have been visiting him for several years and see a marked difference each time. In addition to osteopathic manipulative treatment, he consistently provides useful tips and exercises to maintain and improve function.

I recommend him very highly.

I have suffered with back pain for 20 years and seen Consultants, Physio’s & Doctors and none of the advice or treatments helped. Pain relief worked but only to mask the underlying issue. I have probably spent “Thousand of pounds” on medication, private appointments, orthopaedic devices and time off work. AFTER just ONE £45 session my back felt like a “million dollars”. PROPER advice and diagnosis has helped along with my own research. I was not “Power Sold” further treatments, but will be making another appointment next month.

Treatment is a two way responsibility and I am so glad I had finally found a healthcare professional in Karen Phillips, who understood and diagnosed me immediately. Am still waiting for the good effects to wear off! Great nights sleep, drive into work good. Posture issue also identified. The rest is up to me now to maintain and exercise. MANY MANY THANKS I now no longer live in pain or FEAR of back spasm’s.

The first issues I experienced with my back was 6 years ago. For a few weeks I was experiencing pain in my lower back and often found it painful to get up from sitting but once I got moving it didn’t feel to bad. After a few weeks of this, whilst bending over to pick up a jumper I felt a sharp pain in my lower back. After giving it a second I decided I just needed to power through, this was the worst decision. The pain got worse, so bad that I couldn’t stand. After some time lying on the floor and some pain killers I was able to get to up and went to see the doctor. They prescribed me a couple things to help, they relieved the pain, and I was told by the doctor this happens to lots of people and I just needed to get on with it and it would get better.

It took a couple of months to be pain free after that. I then proceed for the next few years to feel discomfort if I over did it with heavy lifting or twisted slightly the wrong way but had no further incidents like that. Then in January 2018 whilst putting a bag on the floor I felt the same sharp pain in my lower back. Fortunately I was a little wiser this time round to know powering through is not the right thing. This meant the damage to my back wasn’t as bad as the last time but I still suffered with a bad back for a few weeks and it required me to be very careful and conscious of every move I was making. Between this occasion and August 2018 I suffered with another 4 experiences like this. I had friends who suggested seeing an osteopath based on their own experience. I fully intended to but after a few weeks my back would get better and I would put it to the back of my mind.

Then the occasion in August was as bad as that first time 6 years ago and I instantly contacted Body Back-Up as they had been highly recommended to me.

I booked a first session with Robin, he spoke with me about the pain I experience, how often it happens, what type of pain it is, the type of job I do, exercise, lifestyle etc. All of this helped Robin pin point the cause of the issues I have been having with my back.

After working with Robin in that first session I left feeling better. However having ignored the issue for too long I knew that it was important that I take on everything that was said and make adjustments. This wasn’t anything to drastic, it focused on improvements to my posture when sat working. I returned 4 weeks later with my back feeling better than it had in a while and feeling the improvement from putting into practice the guidance I had been given. I left my second session with the next steps, guidance and some exercise to continue to improve my back and resolve the underlying issue.

I would highly recommend someone who suffers with regular pain book to see an Osteopath, especially Robin and the Body Back-Up team. They key thing is to know that if you take the guidance given and put the effort in to make the suggested changes then they can help improve and fix the issue.

I heard Robin Lansman’s talk at an Arthritis Action group meeting in Pimlico in September 2019 about osteopathic care, focusing on activating muscle chains to better cope with arthritis. Robin came across as a person with the knowledge and passion for his work. I was impressed and decided to go for an appointment.

I have had neck stiffness/torticollis for years but had not come across a professional who has been able to give me such confidence and the tools to help myself. I have consulted a chiropracter, physios and had massage in the past and although these treatments gave some temporary relief they helped the symptons and not the cause. I came to realise I needed to retrain my neck muscles but I hadn’t met someone like Robin who could provide me with the necessary exercises which do not just focus on the neck alone but take in the use of the whole body.

In just two sessions Robin has given me excellent treatment and the exercises to do daily. He has a friendly and energetic professional approach. I can highly recommend him to others so that they too can benefit from his experience and expertise.

I was recommended to come to Body Back-Up by my GP. The difference it has made in my life has been tremendous! I have had about six treatments now and whereas I could barely get in or out of the car or stand for any great length of time I now find that my life has changed and I have my fitness back. I have got my life back and my mobility is just so much better now that it was when I first came here to see Robin Lansman. I have got my life back and am able to do all the things I couldn’t do before and in fact have probably never been able to. Thank you!

Why Robin?

When I am in pain, I feel out of balance. My mood, my mobility and my energy all suffer. Like a cold, it is in control of my body. In my experience, knowing a good Osteopath is as important as having a good dentist or a good hairdresser. Not all Osteopaths are the same!

Some believe it only requires textbook skills, in my experience it entails the practitioner to be a good listener and to have the ability to recognize the physical and mental contributing factors effecting the energy of the individuals body. Depending on the treatment yes, it may take several treatments, or ONE may do! Robin goes outside of the box; good listener and he clarifies the possible tissue family causing my pain. Everyone has a different approach to heal pain, personally I like to know what I am dealing with.

Robin’s experience and professionalism are major contributors to my Bien-Etre!

I had suffered from a painful hip for many years after a motor accident. My GP referred me to a physiotherapist and although I dutifully followed the prescribed exercise routine, the pain just intensified to the point where standing still for more than a minute or so was unbearable.

I had little or no hope that an osteopath could help me, but thought anything would be worth a try, I even considered going to a faith healer!

My prejudices were totally unfounded. Robin Lansman quickly put me at my ease and told me that he didn’t operate on a local level like physiotherapy typically does, but rather took a holistic view of pain and injury. This would certainly explain why instead of looking at my hip, he looked at my range of movement then set about treating an entirely different area. I was sceptical that it would make any difference, but when I tried moving again, instead of awkwardness and pain, I felt like my body was actually working with me for the first time in years.

After only a few sessions with Robin, I can move around much more easily and am finally optimistic about the future. I won’t be making that trip to Lourdes for a good few years yet, and would encourage anyone who feels like they have tried everything to give Body Back-Up a go.

I have been treated by Robin Lansman for a number of years now, as I have always suffered from back problems.

Robin’s treatment is quick and effective. He is hugely knowledgeable and knows exactly what to do to sort out my mess of a spine or shoulders. He compliments his treatments with explanations and exercises and within 2-3 treatments I am happily back to my normal self again.

I was training for the Windsor Half Marathon, and picked up an injury in my foot, which left me hobbling around work, and not able to train. It was in fact extremely painful. I visited Karen, and after one session, walked out of the surgery, started training again and completed the Half Marathon.

I was training for the Windsor Half Marathon, and picked up an injury in my foot, which left me hobbling around work, and not able to train. It was in fact extremely painful. I visited Karen, and after one session, walked out of the surgery, started training again and completed the Half Marathon. All the best.

I had a final treatment with a Physiotherapist about three weeks ago, when she told me she could no longer do anything for me. She also told me to wait for the shoulder to heal or I should consider having a Cortisone injection, which I do not like the idea of.

Eighteen months ago, I had a similar problem with my elbow (same kind of symptoms). My GP told me to wait 6 months and if it did not get better to consider a Cortisone injection. I felt I could not wait as I need to be able to use my arms in order to do my job without feeling constant pain and arm, and did not want to take an injection without trying something a bit more natural.

I therefore went to see Robin Lansman, Osteopath who fixed my problem, in 4 or 5 sessions, if I remember well.

Highly recommended. I visited Body Back-up after my shoulders/upper back completely seized up. Robin treated my shoulders and underlying chronic back issues, and was thorough, professional and reassuring at all times. He gave me exercises to do between treatments and I am still reaping the benefits.

The day after Easter my back collapsed… literally. I went out to get a pint of milk, returned home, closed the car door and that was it .I couldn’t move.

A 20 second walk to the house took 20 minutes whereupon I had to immediately lie down and at best I was able to move my upper body to reach over for some anti-inflammatories. Totally bed ridden all very disappointing and upsetting as I was in training for the Moonwalk Breast Cancer fund raising walk in London which was due to be early May.

After some heavy inflammatories and some initial physio, I returned to see Robin the last time was in 2007 when he had put me back into shape. Needless to say this time my back was in a much worse state but after the first session, I was able to move more freely. After the second and third I was able to walk much better. The fourth session was the day before the 13 mile walk through London.

Thankfully, I was mobile enough to do the walk and although I had heat packs on my back and carried some anti-inflammatories with me as precautionary I am certain I would not have been able to complete it had it not been for the osteo sessions that I had had with Robin prior to the walk.

I now know that I have to maintain the back and plan to visit Robin more than once in 5 years! I would thoroughly recommend Robin as an osteopath – not only the treatment but the advice has proved beneficial and importantly allowed me to raise close to £700 sponsorship money for breast cancer.

I have struggled for years with on and off back problems. I have regularly visited the doctors, who through anti inflammatory and painkillers have only ever provided temporary relief. I have also visited sports massage therapists that have caused an excruciating amount of short term pain with seemingly no long term relief or change.

The osteopaths at Body Back-Up, through physical manipulation and corrective posture techniques have managed to not only relieve all pain and discomfort, but also have provided a path for me to follow so that the recurrence of the issue should not happen again.

I cannot overstate how much better I feel. Not only is the pain and discomfort gone, but I feel I have so much more energy; I guess most of that energy in the past has gone into just getting through the day fighting inherent pain. It’s been a life changer, and I recommend Body Back-Up to anyone that suffers with any form of pain linked to back and posture.

Body Backup got me back to London (from Sydney).

On 29th December 2012, the day before I boarded my flight to London ‘something’ happened to my back. I would not be flying anywhere. I was in pain. After seeing a local physiotherapist in Sydney I set about doing the suggested exercises. 5 days later I was no better. I tend to visit Osteopath Mr Lansman every 18 months or so, usually when I feel my body is retaining too much tension, which can lead to problems. While hobbling around in Sydney I remembered the Body Back-up website had some useful exercises.

As I started to do them I could hear Robin’s voice telling me what to do, 18 months before. The exercises are great, and within a few days I was able to comfortably fly back to London. I had some great treatments over a two week period.

Thanks Robin – every time I leave your practice I feel so much better. Thanks again.

I started coming to see Robin Lansman two and a half years ago. I have come to see him for numerous injuries, one was a shoulder and back injury, one was to do with my neck on the left hand side. Every year he has helped me lots, shown me how to do stretching exercises and where to put the heat pack on my back or on my neck, as needed. I have numerous friends who have had back injuries and have been happy to suggest Robin Lansman, his service is really good.

I had big back and neck problems, and I came home very shattered after every day working in front of my computer. I thought I just had to cope with that, because of the nature of getting older and office work! Then I learned about “Check my posture”, so I asked Robin Lansman – my Osteopath, to make my posture assessment. I realised there are so many things I do wrong so “I ended up with six clear action points and all of them were quite straight forward to fix”, once pointed out “Nothing which would need a big investment or a big change in my office!” It has been 3 weeks since the assessment was done. I really can see the improvement. I have much less back pain, much less neck pain and I still sometimes have the tendency to go back to the bad habits! It’s now different and I am trying to exactly what the Osteopath said. I would say there is an 80% improvement so far!

I’m so pleased to have found Robin Lansman, Osteopath. Having had a disc removed from my neck 10 years ago, I’ve certainly made the rounds of health care professionals on two continents! I also considered myself reasonably on top of the idea of good ergonomics with regard to sitting properly at a desk working on a computer. Well, over the years my set-up has changed due to moving house, changing jobs, etc and I was back to making some basic mistakes with regard to my typing posture. From a photo of me sitting at my home office, Robin made a couple of suggestions, inexpensive to implement, that addressed a nagging problem in my upper back.

I’d recommend Robin Lansman and Check my posture!



Whether you are sedentary at a desk or physically active in your workplace, we can help you improve your musculoskeletal health to stay mobile.



Whether you are taking time out or trying to sleep better at night, we can also ensure that your body remains comfortable and flexible until you are ready to get moving again.



Whether for enjoyment, better health or high-level sports, we can assist you in keeping your body in the best condition, thereby maintaining regular activity such as walking or exercising, no matter what your age.

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